Sunday, March 30, 2008

QuickPics: I am Iron Man!

In three different colors!

These are figures from the new Iron Man movie line, by Hasbro, I picked them up on Tuesday when I was hanging out with Derek, watching Star Trek and Buffy, buying toys, talking about Star Wars, comics, and generally being a geek.

Target Exclusive Red Repulsor Prototype (though I've been told by others it's also called Silver Centurion. Iron Man Mark 03, and Walmart Exclusive Stealth Iron Man.


Marissa said...

You didn't mention the bonus feature with these figures being the shooting part. Katie and Ryan played with these for about half and hour one night. I would bet Katie, at least, thinks these are some of the best figures you have. :)

Jonathan said...

Nice. i like Ironman and will enjoy seeing the movie.