This is a continuation of both the Justice League Need List and the DC Direct Need List. It details two different versions of the Justice League I want to get, in the Alex Ross Kingdom Come and Ed McGuinness (from the Superman/Batman & JLA Classified lines) styles. The Ed McGuinness style has really grown on me, so we'll list it first.
Ed McGuinness
Aquaman 2006
Captain Atom 2005 - pending

Hawkman 2007

Martian Manhunter 2006

Nightwing 2007

Shazam 2005 - pending

Future Superman 2007

Wonder Woman 2006

Kingdom Come
Aquaman 2007
Batman 2007 (2003)

Flash 2004

Green Lantern Hal Jordan 2007 (2003)

Jade 2006

Magog 2004

Red Arrow 2003

Red Robin 2003

Shazam 2003

Spectre 2006

Superman 2007 (2003)

Wonder Woman 2007 (2003)

Wonder Woman Armored 2004

Mar 28: Won an auction for all of Superman/Batman: Series 1 figures, so I marked them as pending, as well as Flash and Green Lantern, which I won in a different auction for $5 each.
I don't think I'm very fond of the Kingdom Come style. The McGuinness style, I agree, has grown on me too.
I'm a huge fan of McG's comic art and the action-figures based on his work look terrific. I only have a few figures from Superman/Batman series 1 and 2 but I'll most likely pick up some more in the future.
Have you seen the Joker figure from the latest series? It looks amazing.
-Larry_Chimp_Man from MediaZEALOT
Yes, I recently got the latest set of Superman/Batman figures, and I really like the Joker, Supergirl and Power Girl.
Just today I received Kryptonite Batman and Batman Beyond from wave 4 thanks to somebody on the forums.
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